academy of family physician in malaysia

The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM)

The Academy of Family Physicians in Malaysia (AFPM) was established in 1986 with the goal of promoting excellence in family medicine and improving the health of Malaysians. Since its inception, the AFPM has played a vital role in advocating for family medicine and ensuring that the needs and concerns of family physicians are heard and addressed. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the history and activities of the AFPM, and explore the ways in which the organization is working to improve the health of Malaysians.

Brief History of AFPM

The AFPM was established with the aim of promoting the practice of family medicine and improving the quality of medical care for families in Malaysia. Family medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on comprehensive medical care for individuals and families, with a focus on preventive medicine and long-term patient-physician relationships. This type of care is especially important in Malaysia, where many people live in rural areas and have limited access to specialized medical care.

High-quality Care 

The AFPM is committed to promoting the practice of family medicine and ensuring that family physicians are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to provide high-quality care to their patients. To this end, the organization offers a range of professional development opportunities, including continuing medical education courses, workshops, and seminars. These opportunities help family physicians to stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and best practices, and to enhance their clinical skills.

image - <strong>The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM)</strong>

Family Medicine

The AFPM also plays a key role in advocating for family medicine and ensuring that the needs and concerns of family physicians are heard and addressed by government and healthcare organizations. The organization works closely with policy-makers and healthcare organizations to develop policies and programs that support the practice of family medicine and improve access to quality medical care for families in Malaysia. For example, the AFPM has been instrumental in the development of the Malaysian National Primary Care Guidelines, which provide a framework for the delivery of comprehensive and coordinated medical care for families.

Provide Support & Resources

In addition to its advocacy and professional development activities, the AFPM also provides support and resources to family physicians. The organization offers a range of services, including clinical consultations, peer support, and mentorship programs, to help family physicians navigate the challenges of their practice and provide the best possible care to their patients. The AFPM also provides a platform for family physicians to connect and collaborate with one another, sharing ideas and best practices, and working together to improve the health of Malaysians.

image 1 - <strong>The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM)</strong>

Improving The Health of Malaysian

One of the key ways in which the AFPM is working to improve the health of Malaysians is through its efforts to promote preventive medicine. The organization recognizes the importance of early detection and treatment of health problems, and works to educate patients and families about the importance of preventive care. The AFPM also provides training and resources to family physicians to help them provide effective preventive care to their patients.